Uncommon residences for uncommon people.

As an architect, I traditionally work with clients and builders to resolve and reconcile many different issues to ultimately provide the client, you, with a project that fits you, and only you, like a glove.

This is true of all manner of apartments, houses, offices, and small institutions.

I will not take on any more work than I can personally do myself. My clients work with me, and me only.


Range of projects

Smallest project ever was a 16 sq. ft. fully equipped kitchen for a single person, who owned what was originally a hotel room. My fee was $300 and two really good dinners.

Largest (private, non-institutional) project ever was an 11,223 sq. ft. (1,143 sq. m.) nine-bedroom house + pool house + garage.

If your project is somewhere in between those, I can help you.



Your project is in a hurricane threat area.

Your project is in an earthquake threat area.

Your project is in a location prone to forest fires.

You are disabled, need outfitting for the elderly, or have special needs.

You have an odd building site, a wrecked apartment, or something else out of the ordinary.

I have successfully worked with clients with all of these issues and I can help you.



I have completed projects in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York (state and city), Illinois (boring, isn’t it?), Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, California, Grenada WI, St. Lucia WI, and St. Croix USVI.

 If you are there, I can help you.

I believe that the best projects are those that result from a successful collaboration of Owner, Architect, and Contractor.  I look forward to working with you.